Expanding Networks, PGMI Program of STAIPANA Bangil Visits PGMI UIN Malang

PGMI UIN Malang – February 2, 2023 – PGMI FITK UIN Malang received a visit from STAIPAMA Bangil, which took place at the PGMI Program office in Megawati Building, 2nd floor. The purpose of this visit was to share knowledge and establish a relationship with the PGMI Program. Many valuable insights were gained through the exchange between the two programs, including discussions on how to develop the PGMI Program into an outstanding and internationally reputable program. The visit was represented by Dr. Firdausy Nuzula, M.Pd., the Head of the PGMI Program at STAIPAMA Bangil, who was warmly welcomed by Dr. Bintoro Widodo, M.Kes, the Head of the PGMI Program at UIN Malang, and Mrs. Maryam Faizah, M.Pd.I, the Program Secretary of PGMI UIN Malang. The visit provided a comprehensive overview of the teaching and learning activities at UIN Malang, which can be used as a reference or potential collaborative educational programs between the two institutions.

In order to enhance collaboration and broaden their network, the PGMI Program of STAIPANA Bangil recently paid a visit to PGMI UIN Malang. The visit aimed to establish a stronger connection between the two institutions and foster opportunities for academic exchange and cooperation. During the visit, faculty members and students from both institutions engaged in meaningful discussions, sharing insights and experiences related to Islamic education and teaching methodologies. They also had the chance to observe teaching demonstrations and participate in workshops conducted by the respective programs.

The visit not only provided an opportunity for knowledge sharing but also served as a platform for strengthening professional relationships and creating potential future collaborations in research, curriculum development, and student exchange programs. Both PGMI programs expressed their commitment to continue such interactions and collaborative efforts, as they believe that working together will contribute to the advancement of Islamic education and the development of competent educators in the field.

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