Orientation on Course Registration System (KRS) for PGMI Students, Even Semester 2022/2023

PGMI UIN Malang – February 7, 2023 – The PGMI Program conducted an orientation on course registration system (KRS) for the batch of 2022 students. This orientation is mandatory for second-semester students as they have not experienced course registration in the first semester. With this orientation, it is expected that every student will be able to independently handle course registration. The orientation took place at 10:00 AM and was attended by all the students of the 2022 batch.

The event began with a speech by the Head of PGMI Program, Dr. Bintoro Widodo, M.Kes. He emphasized the importance of actively participating in all activities and lectures to graduate on time. The program was then facilitated by the Secretary of PGMI Program, Maryam Faizah, M.Pd.I. In her presentation, she provided guidance and suggestions to the students regarding the course registration process. There were several key points highlighted during the KRS activity, namely: (1) Be careful not to choose the wrong course code; (2) Students have the right to choose their classes (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class F) and Class E is reserved for ICP students; (3) Pay attention to the maximum number of credits (SKS) that can be taken; (4) Consult with their respective academic advisors.

The one-hour orientation went smoothly and was well understood by all PGMI students. As a closing remark, the speaker delivered motivational words to all students, encouraging them to stay enthusiastic, stay healthy, and complete their studies on time to achieve the best results.

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