Pengabdian Masyarakat Program Studi PGMI FITK UIN MALIKI MALANG

PGMI UIN Malang – Community service is one of the annual programs organized by the PGMI department with the aim of applying knowledge to the community, especially in schools. Equally important is the fulfillment of the three pillars of higher education: learning, research, and community service. The community service activities held on February 9 and 10, 2023, were conducted in several school/madrasah locations. In Malang City, the activities took place at MI Nurul Huda and MI Tahfidz Al-Asyhar. In Malang Regency, it was held at MI Al Lathifiyah. Beyond Malang, it extended to Madiun city, specifically at MI Al Kautsar and MI Kresna.

The community service program involved all PGMI lecturers. The details of the activities are as follows:

  1. MI Nurul Huda, Jl. Moch Juki No. 1A, Mulyorejo, Sukun Sub-district, Malang City, attended by 20 participants (teachers) with the topic “Paradigma Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka” (The Implementation Paradigm of Merdeka Curriculum). Speakers: Dr. H. Ahmad Sholeh, M.Ag, Rizky Amelia, M.Pd, Ratna Nulinnaja, M.Pd, Waluyo Satrio Adji, M.Pd, and PGMI student Rena Widayanti (student ID: 200103110145).
  2. MI Tahfidz Al Asyhar, Jl. Raya Madyopuro N0. 38 Panjaraan, Madyopuro, Kedungkandang Sub-district, Malang City, attended by 20 participants (teachers) with the topic “Teknologi dalam Transformasi Pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka” (Technology in the Transformation of Merdeka Curriculum). Speakers: Dr. Rini Nafsiati Astuti, M.Pd., Ahmad Abtokhi, M.Pd., Wiku Aji Sugiri, M.Pd., Rois Imron Rosi, M.Pd., and PGMI student Nurul Izhan (student ID: 19140042).
  3. MI Al Lathifiyah, Jl. Wirosetanam Mulyorejo, Gedog Wetan, Turen Sub-district, Malang Regency, attended by 35 participants (teachers) with the topic “Model Pembelajaran dalam Kurikulum Merdeka” (Learning Models in the Merdeka Curriculum). Speakers: Dr. Abd. Gafur, M.Ag., Sigit Priatmoko, M.Pd., Nur Hidayah Hanifah, M.Pd., Roiyan One F, M.Pd., and PGMI student Candra Avista Putri (student ID: 19140051).
  4. MI Al Kautsar, Dusun Bulak Rejo Rt. 04 Rw. 01, Joho Village, Dagangan Sub-district, Madiun Regency, attended by 15 participants (teachers) with the topic “Desain Pembelajaran Berbasis HOTS” (Design of Higher Order Thinking Skills-Based Learning). Speakers: Agus Mukti Wibowo, M.Pd., Maryam Faizah, M.Pd.I, Nuril Nuzulia, M.Pd.I., Fitratul Uyun, M.Pd, Alfan Nur Azizi, M.Pd., and PGMI student Putri Nur Faizah (student ID: 19149132).
  5. MI Kresna, Jl. Raya Ponorogo, Dusun Durunan, Mlilir Village, Doloko Sub-district, Madiun Regency, attended by 50 participants (teachers) with the topic “Paradigma Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka” (The Implementation Paradigm of Merdeka Curriculum). Speakers: Dr. Bintoro Widodo, M.Kes., Galih Puji Mulyono, M.Pd., Dian Eka Aprilia F.N., M.Pd., Vannisa Aviana Melinda, M.Pd., Ikha Sulis Setyaningrum, M.Pd.”

In the implementation of this community service activity, a collaboration agreement was also signed between the schools/madrasah and the PGMI department of FITK UIN Malang. With this collaboration, there will be future activities involving schools/madrasahs, such as PGMI students’ PKLI (Field Work Practice) internships at madrasahs. It is hoped that the community service activities of the PGMI department will elevate it as an excellent program capable of fulfilling its objectives, producing graduates who are competent professional teachers.”

MI Al Lathifiyah
MI Nurul Huda
MI Al Kautsar
MI Kresna
MI Tahfidz Al Asyhar