Not Just One, But Three PGMI UIN Malang Students Presented Papers at IC-ISLEH 2023.

PGMI UIN Malang – On June 5-6, 2023, three PGMI UIN Malang students, Putri Nur Faizah, Firzani Oktavia, and Candra Avista Putri, had the opportunity to present their written articles at the 2nd International Conference on Islam, Science, Language, Law, Education, Economics, and Humanity (IC-ISLEH) 2023 held at Aston Inn Hotel in Batu. This internationally acclaimed event was organized by the Graduate School of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim. The conference was attended by Prof. Dr. H. M. Zainuddin (Islamic Moderation, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang) from Indonesia, Prof. Frans Wijsen (Practical Religious Studies, Radboud University) from the Netherlands, Prof. Fahd Mohana, S. Alahmadi (Islamic University of Medina, Saudi Arabia), and Prof. Wildana Wargadinata (Arabic Literature, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University) from Indonesia.

During the event, three PGMI UIN Malang students wrote research articles and presented them in front of the audience. The articles presented were titled “The Implementation of Cognitive Assessment Variations in the Independent Curriculum in PAI Subjects at SD Negeri Klojen, Malang City” by Putri Nur Faizah, “Implementation of Simulation Learning Methods on System Material Blood Circulation for Class V MI/SD Students” by Firzani Oktavia, and “Moplearning Evaluation on Independent Curriculum Grade 1 at SDI Baitul Makmur Malang” by Candra Avista Putri. These articles, which have been submitted to IC-ISLEH, will undergo a review process before being published in the ISBN proceedings.

Putri Nur Faizah
Firzani Oktavia
Candra Avista Putri

Through this event, the students gained new experiences as presenters at an international conference. Additionally, they acquired valuable knowledge from internationally renowned speakers.

– PGMI Unggul, PGMI Jaya –