Withdrawal of Teaching Assistance Activities at Perwanida Elementary School in Blitar City

PGMI UIN Malang – Blitar, June 9, 2023 – There has been a withdrawal of teaching assistance activities at Perwanida Elementary School in Blitar City. This decision was made due to unforeseen circumstances that have arisen. The teaching assistance program, which aimed to provide support and guidance to the students at Perwanida Elementary School, had to be discontinued temporarily. The program was designed to enhance the learning experience and academic performance of the students.

The withdrawal of this teaching assistance activity is regrettable, as it was expected to contribute positively to the educational development of the students. However, alternative measures will be explored to ensure that the students’ needs are still met and their education continues without interruption. The school administration and relevant authorities are working together to address the situation and explore potential solutions. Efforts will be made to resume the teaching assistance activities at Perwanida Elementary School as soon as feasible.In the meantime, the school and the community are encouraged to remain committed to providing the best possible education for the students, utilizing available resources and support systems.

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