Minimizing Evening Class Schedule, Scheduling Synchronization Runs Smoothly

PGMI UIN Malang – The implementation of the scheduling synchronization activity aims to prepare the student’s class schedules for the even semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Present in this synchronization meeting were the Vice Dean I of Academic Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Walid, M.A., as well as all program chairs and secretaries in the Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training.

The activity discussed several topics, including:

  1. Availability of classrooms for students and the addition of classrooms due to the increasing number of students each year.
  2. Determination of workload (credit hours) for teaching faculty members in accordance with their status and regulations in the BKD (Workload Assessment).
  3. Tracer Study or graduate user survey, which will be conducted from January 30, 2023, to February 4, 2023, in several regions in East Java.

During this synchronization activity, there were several inputs and challenges faced by the PGMI program. One of them was the insufficient workload allocation for home base PGMI faculty members, resulting in some PGMI faculty members needing to teach in other programs in FITK. However, through discussions with various programs and the leadership of the Vice Dean I of Academic Affairs, alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah), all issues were resolved through considerations and enjoyable discussions.

– UNGGUL Bersama, PGMI Jaya –

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