Preparing for FIBAA International Accreditation, the PGMI Study Program Held a Meeting with the Faculty Team

PGMI FITK UIN Malang – March, 8 2023 – From 13:00 to 15:00, the PGMI (Islamic Religious Education Study Program) at UIN Malang’s Faculty of Tarbiyah prepared itself for international accreditation from FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation). The preparation took place in the PGMI Study Program room and was attended by a team of five members: Mr. Bintoro Widodo (as the Head of the PGMI Study Program), Mrs. Maryam Faizah (as the Secretary of the PGMI Study Program), Mr. Sigit Priatmoko (Team Member), Mr. Alfan Nur Azizi (Team Member), and Mrs. Dian Eka Fitria N (Team Member).

The initial meeting for the accreditation preparation was led by the Head of the PGMI Study Program, Mr. Bintoro Widodo, who emphasized several key points for preparing the PGMI Study Program’s accreditation, including the importance of teamwork and the need to work diligently in the process of obtaining the FIBAA international accreditation. Mr. Sigit Priyatmiko also provided an overview of FIBAA accreditation, explaining the process of compliance with FIBAA guidelines and regulations when developing the necessary documents and narratives. The FIBAA accreditation covers five aspects, which will be jointly addressed by the team.

An essential part of the FIBAA accreditation process is the curriculum review, particularly focusing on how the program’s vision and mission align with the program’s intended learning outcomes (CPL) based on tracer studies and graduate performance. As a follow-up to the initial accreditation preparation meeting, an internal curriculum review involving several PGMI faculty members will be conducted on Monday, March 13, 2023.

The hope is that through these activities, the PGMI Study Program will meet the necessary standards and contribute to achieving its objectives, producing graduates who are qualified for positions as primary school teachers, researchers, and instructional media developers. The goal is for the PGMI Study Program to become internationally accredited through FIBAA.”