Prepared to Attend Teaching Assistance, PGMI Study Program Equips Students with a Seminar on the Implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in Elementary Schools (MI/SD)

PGMI UIN Malang – “On March 1, 2023, PGMI UIN Malang held a collaborative learning event called ‘Sinau Bareng PGMI’ with the theme ‘Implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in Madrasah.’ The event’s speaker was Galih Puji Mulyoto, M.Pd, one of the lecturers in PGMI. The material presented aimed to provide students with an understanding of the Merdeka curriculum in madrasahs, which is essentially similar to the KTSP (School-Based Curriculum). However, each school will have its own unique madrasah-based curriculum.

The Merdeka curriculum emphasizes essential content and has three phases to assess students’ competencies in their learning process. The speaker also explained some significant reasons why madrasahs should adopt the Merdeka curriculum, such as changes in time, technology, and the impact of the COVID-19 era, which resulted in learning loss. The Merdeka curriculum offers several advantages, including simplicity, independence, relevance, and interactivity. It encourages teachers to explore contemporary issues and provide real-life examples relevant to their local context.

The implementation of the Merdeka curriculum in madrasahs will result in the profile of ‘Pelajar Rahmatan Lil Alamin’ (students who embody nine religious moderation values and P5) while in primary schools (SD), it will be the ‘Pelajar Pancasila’ (students who embody the Pancasila ideology). The Merdeka curriculum also pays special attention to inclusive education for children with diverse needs.”