Maryam Faizah, M.Pd.I – Dosen PGMI UIN Malang Mutu pendidikan nasional Indonesia telah dijamin oleh 8 (delapan). Standar Nasional Pendidikan, salah satunya adalah standar prosesView More
Author: admin
Love Today, Lead Tomorrow (Refleksi Hari Anak Nasional)
Oleh: Waluyo Satrio Adji, M.Pd.I Perundungan, pembullyan, pencabulan, kekerasan, perbudakan, kemiskinan seakan-akan menjadi episode yang “to be continue” jika membiacarakan tentang kehidupan anak-anak zaman sekarang.View More
PGMI at UIN Malang Conducted the Comprehensive Examination During the Month of April in The Year 2023
PGMI UIN Malang – Kegiatan ujian komprehensif kependidikan dan keagamaan periode Juni Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Tahun 2023 diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Guru MadrasahView More
PGMI Organizes Thesis Proposal Examination for April 2023 Period
PGMI UIN Malang – The thesis proposal examination for the PGMI program, April 2023 period, will be conducted for all students in the Faculty of Islamic EducationView More
PGMI UIN Malang Withdraws Internship Students from MI Nurul Ulum Arjosari
PGMI UIN Malang has made the decision to withdraw its students who were undergoing their internship program at MI Nurul Ulum Arjosari. This decision wasView More
Sanggar Seni Bina Madrasah (SSBM) Motivates Students to Explore their Potential and Develop their Artistic Creativity
Sanggar Seni Bina Madrasah (SSBM) at UIN Malang plays a significant role in encouraging students to explore their potential and develop their artistic creativity. TheView More
Literasi di Bulan Ramadhan
To Foster Camaraderie and Unity among its Members, the HMPS PGMI (Student Association of PGMI) Organized an Event Called BAKMI (Building PGMI’s Togetherness)
PGMI UIN Malang – On Wednesday (5/4), the HMPS PGMI UIN Malang organized an event called “BAKMI: Building PGMI’s Togetherness” which included a breaking ofView More
Tips and Tricks to Successfully Pass the PPG Prajabatan (Teacher Professional Education)
During the event “Sinau Bareng PGMI #5 Sharing Alumni Peluang Guru Masa Depan: PPG Prajabatan” (Learning Together with PGMI #5: Alumni Sharing Future Teacher Opportunities:View More
PGMI UIN Malang Recognize the Importance of Establishing Strong Communication with Alumni to Support Final-Year Students in becoming Professional Teachers.
PGMI UIN Malang – April 5, 2023 – PGMI UIN Malang recognizes that becoming a teacher is one of the primary career paths for PGMIView More